Detail: Piled peaches and cream - about six feet high... |
Detail: The classic British party combo! |
Often mis-quoted as ‘Please, pudding...’ as opposed to ‘Pease pudding...’ |
The main banner in glorious two colour |
Yum, fried, roasted or stewed steak anyone? |
‘Food glorious food’ greetings card (A6 size) © Peter Gander |
Pencilling out the hand-drawn letters |
The glorious banner |
Pencilling more letters |
Inking the curve of the banner - which is much easier upside-down, using the wrist as a pivot. |
Adding the letter’s central highlights and detached drop shadows on a new layer |
Working out the banner relationship with the wobbly jelly |
Newly-inked steak and jelly with pencil draft underneath. What a combination! |
This original card design is taken from artwork for a new
www.haveagander.biz single-colour tea towel for 2013 and the latter is currently in production. But in the meantime, we produced a two-colour version as a greetings card (A6). Inspired by one of the Gander family’s favourite films,
Oliver!, the foody theme was perfect for a tea towel’s natural home - in the kitchen. The work-in-progress pics show just how much work went into this new design, which took a good couple of days to execute. (The tea towel will be printed in the blue as one colour). As ever, it was all drawn or inked by hand, even the typeface is completely freehand, as I consider tracing existing fonts the death of the natural, handcrafted look. Food for thought? Fancy one yourself or for your foodie friend? Buy them at: