Having a handy printmaking roller and inks around my studio, I thought I'd try a monoprint or two. I am a big fan of what they call 'flat plane'-cut woodcarvings, which are, for want of a better expression, 'crude' carvings. They are full of character and have the carver's equivalent of broad brushstrokes in that they are left with their cut marks visible, (in flat planes). This small carving sitting on my studio shelf made a good drawing subject. To briefly explain a monoprint, a thin smooth surface is rolled in ink (my printmaking glass was used, but usually a more portable/lightweight surface such as a sheet of platemaker's aluminium or suchlike is used). A sheet of (preferably smooth, not-too-thick or not-too-textured) cartridge is laid directly on the ink, without pressing on the paper, as this will cause the ink to be transferred. The pressure of any object on the top (visible) side of the paper causes the ink to be transferred onto the other, face-down side of the paper. I rest my hand on a mahl stick as I would normally rest it on the paper while drawing, otherwise a more vertical approach to holding your drawing implement is needed. This also imparts a looseness of style, which has its own charm too.