I hand-burnished (pressed) this two-colour linoprint last night, based on the approved sketch seen in previous posts (8 Feb 2010). There is alsominimal hand-colouring in the head area. The back image of a grey London, is actually a foamboard print. I removed the paper surface of the board and scratched it with my nails, depressed it in places and generally added some texture prior to inking with a grey waterbased paint. As this print is going to be used for a poster and the small body text will be produced by A Mac over the top of the print, there was no need to stick to lino, which would have been more wasteful when only a couple of prints are made (to be scanned). It's necessary for the type and figure, as you can't beat it for its resilience, but the background has more of a loose feel, so foamboard is ideal. Next stage, I'll be laying this image under the white type, which will be a stressed-style font so that it doesn't clash with the intentionally crude print style of the image. All of the theatre production details will be contained within the Elephant Man's figure, as per the recent design (see former posts).
Two-stage block lino and foamboard print with black and grey water-based printing ink on 120gsm white cartridge.